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Family owned business offering unparalleled attention and commitment to our clients.

Who We Are

Zel is a family owned and operated business. We offer personalized attention unparalleled by larger contractors. We understand the needs and wants of our clients and the importance of trust, honesty and reliability. In addition to being family owned and operated, we are fortunate that many of our subcontractors are also family members. This allows us to have exceptionally strong relationships with our subcontractors, enabling us to work as a team more efficiently with open lines of communication. The result: well-run jobs and highly satisfied customers. We care about our clients and their families and we are committed to providing fine craftsmanship for you to enjoy for years to come.



What is “Zel”?


Before opening our doors in 2003, we spent hours brainstorming for the ideal business name. We were searching for an original name that would most accurately describe what we stood for and, at the same time, be easily remembered. After days of brainstorming and deliberation, we came across the word “zealous”. In itself, “zealous“ is not a unique name nor does it sound much like a business name. But the definition of “zealous” resonated with us: “To have an enthusiastic devotion or passion for a cause or an objective.” This definition seemed to align perfectly with our business ideals. We are “zealous” in our commitment to our customers as well as our commitment to uphold our ethics of integrity, honesty and professionalism. We have an enthusiastic devotion to our work and the satisfaction of our customers. After further review, we noticed, in fine print below the definition, a historical derivation of the word, which read: “From Old French: zel.” That was it … Zel! Our search had ended. As we are a family owned and operated business and our family name has French origins, we felt this small word would be the perfect fit for our business. Hence, our story began …


As a side note, we just recently came across this definition of Zel on

          Zel: Cool, awesome, rad, epic. 


Works for us!

 Zel, Inc. - CT Builder, General Contractor , Custom Homes
Zel, Inc. - CT Builder, General Contractor , Custom Homes
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